Monday, January 16, 2012

New Shelf and Youtube channel

Hey guys how are you so today?Well today was a hecktic day for me. We went to petsmart to buy our babies dog food,toys,treats,etc. There spoiled just so you know. Anyways after that I had planned a very big project. I bought a shelf that was paint ready from Michaels. I have been wanting to organize my dresser because it is covered in hair products, make up,lotions,accesssories and tons of other stuff. I have the hardest time trying to get ready because I dont have a uncluddered area. So anyways i painted it purple with pink trim and the hang pegs are green I created a Youtube video on it so I hope you check it out below 

So I never knew how much work creating a video was going to be especially since I have never used movie maker. I cut and recorded over and over again.So I am pretty whiped out today hope you guys enjoy the entry and the new channel.

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